If I had thought about it, I would have known that I was a verb—a restless spirit, always moving along, wanting to see more, to know more, to travel, always dreaming and planning the next trip. For as long as I can remember, my eyes have darted across the pages of books, the end of one running into the beginning of another.

But as I grow older I wish to be a noun: stable, grounded in who I am, where I am. Content and peaceful.

If I look back, at my family, at my experiences, I know that is why I have always been a verb—running, distancing. It is part of what formed me, but it is no longer who I am. It was what I needed to do then, but not what I need to do now. Still I run, though not so fast and not as often.

Perhaps, I should be an ellipsis, a dash or a comma. A pause. A transition to my life as a noun.

by Lynn DiGiacomo

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